My Top 5 Sources of News and Information

    In today's day and age, finding credible news can be tricky in a world where fake, biased, untruthful news is constantly surrounding us. Luckily, I have been able to find outlets and sources that seemingly provides credible news and information. I feel as though my generation doesn't show any interest in current news and information. Thankfully, these 5 sources are easily accessible, reliable, and have helped me stay up to date with current events.

My most used news source would most definitely be Apple News. It's easily accessible, as it's one swipe away on my iPhone and MacBook. According to the Apple News website, it provides news stories from over 300+ news outlets and magazines. With that many different sources, I feel as though I get many different views and opinions, making the Apple News platform a very neutral site. I also like how it's customizable to my liking, and I can change it to show me any news I personally enjoy/want to see. Although America is highly popular in world news, I still am able to receive news and information from every country all over the world.

Alike every other person in Gen Z, I am always on TikTok. I feel as though TikTok has our generation under a tight grip. I'm constantly on there staying up to date with my favorite influencers, watching cooking videos, or listening to news/informational videos posted. I love going to TikTok to catch up on True Crime. Many channels on there are strictly talking about current murder cases, cold cases, and trials involving criminals. I enjoy this source of news because I am getting a visual, also usually in company with captions so I can read along as well. Many of these channels get into great details and break down these cases for me and many others the follow along. Right now, I have been tuning into different lawyers TikTok's, as well as True Crime TikTokers to keep up to date with the Murdaugh murders in South Carolina. TikTok is a source for many of all current events, not just crime. I am a huge true crime junkie, and I find myself looking to TikTok for any updates or new stories I want to learn about. 

Throughout the last decade, many new news and media outlets have been established. One sticks out in particularly, and has rose to fame very quickly. Barstool Sports is a multi-media company that delivers news in the form of blogs, videos, and podcasts. In addition to being an extremely popular news outlet, it has also established itself as a brand on every college campus. Their news is definitely more pop-culture centered, but it's perfect for a girl like me who loves some good celebrity gossip. Their target market is mostly Gen Z and Millenials, making it more relatable than an outlet like TikTok. Employees of Barstool Sports are also able to create their own personal brand while a part of the company, which gives me many more people to look to when wanting the latest pop-culture news/information. They also cover sports, but dive deeper than just scores. In the latest NCAA scandal, the New Mexico men's basketball team was involved in a murder/coverup, and Barstool was the first on all the details of the story. 

Since I was a kid, I've woken up and watched Good Morning America. I like ABC News because I feel like it isn't too politically biased such as outlets like FOX and CNN, and it is mostly upbeat. Obviously nowadays not much too upbeat in current events, but I feel as though they try their best. On broadcast television, they get straight to the point and deliver today's news and information. I also think the articles on their website and social media are mostly unbiased and get straight to the point. They cover sports, politics, weather, and everything else a traditional news outlet has to offer. I think my generation is slowly phasing this type of traditional news, but I still find myself constantly coming back to ABC.

Being a sports media major, I am very invested in sports at the professional and collegiate level. CBS Sports is my go to for scores, sports news, and updates in the athletic world. The articles involving scandals state simply facts and are very informative. They provide scores for every sport, every game, 24/7, which makes it easy to access at anytime. On the CBS Sports app, I can customize it to send me extra notifications on my favorite sport teams. I like this source because I feel like it's personalized to me, while also providing me with factual, reliable news and information pertaining to the sports world.

These 5 news sources I am constantly finding myself utilizing. They're all staples in many people's everyday lives. They're easily accessible, reliable, and help me and others stay up to date with the current news and events.


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