Living in the Age of AI

 Artificial Intelligence has transformed the way technology is used. In the video we watched, I learned about the various ways AI is used, and how it's constantly evolving. I learned about how China and the US are constantly neck and neck when it comes to the evolution of technology. Although we have many issues, I think that the US is the greatest country in the world, and it's interesting that China is so close with us when it comes to technology. Probably because they can't compete with anything else. AI is honestly terrifying. It's absolutely fascinating and frightening knowing all of its capabilities. There are many pros and cons to AI, however. 

AI systems can help the government and other organizations detect and prevent cyber attacks and data breaches, thereby ensuring better security. On social platforms and the internet, AI algorithms can help personalize user experiences. By analyzing user data, AI systems can deliver personalized recommendations, products, and services. Although, to most of us, that's pretty freaky when you think of something and then it pops up in our ads. There are many issues with AI though. AI systems are not immune to cyber attacks, and as the amount of data collected by these systems increases, so does the risk of data breaches. AI algorithms can also perpetuate biases that exist in society, such as racial, gender, or age biases. This can lead to discrimination and unfair treatment of certain groups of people. AI can be used for surveillance purposes, such as facial recognition technology, which can infringe on individual privacy. We've learned plenty about privacy in this class, and we know the government and others are constantly invading our privacy without us knowing. WE also know there is currently a lack of regulation around AI, which can lead to abuses of privacy and misuse of personal data. This emphasizes the need for stronger privacy laws and regulations around the use of AI.

Artificial Intelligence is utilized by the US government, and is used for security purposes. AI can be used to analyze large volumes of data and identify patterns and relationships that may not be immediately apparent to human analysts. This can help intelligence agencies to better understand threats and predict potential security risks. AI can be used to analyze and interpret surveillance data from a range of sources including satellites, drones, and CCTV cameras. This can help agencies to monitor and respond to potential threats. AI can be used to develop and operate autonomous systems, including drones and unmanned vehicles, which can be used for intelligence gathering and other security-related tasks. AI has the potential to significantly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of US national security operations. However, there are also concerns about the ethical and legal implications of using AI in this context, particularly around issues of privacy and accountability.

Artificial intelligence has become important in the field of online security and identity theft prevention. AI can help detect and prevent fraudulent activities by once again analyzing large amounts of data and identifying patterns that humans may miss. AI-powered password managers can generate strong passwords and alert users if their passwords are compromised or weak. As soon as I make a new account anywhere, I am automatically suggested an AI generated password. AI-powered biometric authentication methods, such as facial recognition and fingerprint scanning, can be used to verify the identity of users. iPhone's all use this technology. They started with the fingerprint to unlock your phone, but they have since evolved and now use facial recognition. AI has the potential to greatly enhance online security and prevent identity theft, however still has many issues. I don't quite trust AI to keep my privacy safe, as it is used against us most the time.

There is still so much we don't know about Artificial Intelligence, however, it continues to become more prominent. This video taught me much about AI I didn't already know, or confirmed my suspicions about what I already thought I knew.


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