
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Supreme Court: What I Know Now

  The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States and serves as the final arbiter of legal disputes within the federal court system. Its primary function is to interpret and apply the Constitution and federal laws, as well as to resolve conflicts between federal and state law. The history of the Supreme Court of the United States can be traced back to the country's founding. The Constitution, which was written in 1787 and ratified in 1788, established the federal court system and granted the Supreme Court the power to hear certain cases. The first Supreme Court , which was established in 1789, was composed of six justices and held its first session in 1790. The Court's early years were marked by uncertainty, as it struggled to establish its authority and define its role within the new federal government. One of the Court's first major cases was Marbury v. Madison (1803), in which Chief Justice John Marshall asserted the power of the Court to declare acts of Con

Privacy: The Scary Truth

Privacy is now seemingly becoming a thing of the past. The internet and social media makes everything about you accessible, as I've learned. This past fall, I was a victim of someone stealing my identity. Somebody took my pictures, and created an instagram page with them. The pictures were used to promote me for an inappropriate website, one I was not associated with in real life. Since my instagram wasn't private, it made me vulnerable to end up like a situation like the one I was in. It was extremely humiliating and made me feel bad about myself, as the account had followed all the same people I followed.    I had learned a valuable lesson. If more privacy was available for me to utilize, I needed to take it. I locked down my Facebook, and turned my Instagram and Twitter private.  People actually thought it was my account, and gave me an extremely bad look. Instagram wouldn't take the page down, and I felt powerless. These TED talks actually shocked me. I had no idea abou

My Top 5 Sources of News and Information

     In today's day and age, finding credible news can be tricky in a world where fake, biased, untruthful news is constantly surrounding us. Luckily, I have been able to find outlets and sources that seemingly provides credible news and information. I feel as though my generation doesn't show any interest in current news and information. Thankfully, these 5 sources are easily accessible, reliable, and have helped me stay up to date with current events. My most used news source would most definitely be Apple News . It's easily accessible, as it's one swipe away on my iPhone and MacBook. According to the Apple News website, it provides news stories from over 300+ news outlets and magazines. With that many different sources, I feel as though I get many different views and opinions, making the Apple News platform a very neutral site. I also like how it's customizable to my liking, and I can change it to show me any news I personally enjoy/want to see.  Although America